I make nonsense toons and '80s inspired electronic music! Stay a while and listen..!
Smegma Village
Joined on 4/29/05
is that a vagina
It could also be a cigar smoking man drinking his finest whisky while scratching his right ball.
Yuo deserve much better scores for your animations.
I'm happy with whatever score I get. But thanks =)
congrats on winning the munny comp you commie!
I did not win :P I couldn't find anything about me winning though.
I truly dont deserwe to breath the same air whit you my lord!... Your sence of humor and your philosophyes are not of any mortal being! Theres no words in the world to praice you enough! your very Existence makes my pointless.
will you marry me?
I'm touched and maybe even a little flattered. But sadly the answer is no. My husband wouldn't allow it.
Oh god.. I think I just threw up a little.
Glad you like my stuff :)
I like the new banner, maaaan.