Coming to a portal near you very soon...
Halfway through already.
2/3 done
Finished and submitted!
I make nonsense toons and '80s inspired electronic music! Stay a while and listen..!
Smegma Village
Joined on 4/29/05
Posted by Slintas - July 21st, 2008
Coming to a portal near you very soon...
Halfway through already.
2/3 done
Finished and submitted!
i love pussy in my pasta
Hair, in my pussy?
It's more likely that I think.
hahah im not even looking at the pic, im more attracted to larry david! FUCK YEAH!!!
Yeah! Larry David is my god.
you sick sonowa... Nah, whatewer...
I... really don't know what to say about that.
I loved the first one!!
Can't wait, dude.
Oh my god, i wont care if the animation is good or not, cause the goddamn title is so cleverly adequate. HELL YEAH PUSSY HAIRS! You sir are a virtuent genius.
Pussy hairs on my toilet seat!
Sounds funny.
Thank goodness the wait is over.
Proving your awesome (animator), besides being funny!!
How am I supposed to react?